Published 2021-08-22
- synthetic butadiene-isoprene rubber (SKDI-24),
- molecular-mass distribution,
- viscosity,
- gel,
- antioxidant
- thermal-oxidation ...More
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Copyright (c) 2021 Kauchuk i Rezina

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Effect of antioxidant (AO) nature and concentration (C) on thermal-oxidative stability (TS) in air at 140 °C has been studied for cis-1,4-copolymer of butadiene/isoprene (SKDI-24) samples at varied aging times t (to 4hs). TS values of novel AO Novantox 8PFDA and Irganox 1520L were compared to TSs of currently in use Agidol 1 and Agidol 2. An estimated amount of AO in hexane was added with stirring to SKDI-24 polymerizate in argon flow. SKDI-24 microstructure was estimated by IR-spectroscopy (Spectrum-100 Perkin-Elmer), SKDI-24 molecular-mass distribution by GPC («Waters Breeze»), AO contents of the samples by spectrophotometry (SF-56), gel content and swelling index in the samples – by gravimetry (Vibra AF-R220CE). The data have been presented on change in stability coefficient as the ratio of intrinsic viscosities before and after aging, as influenced by C and t. Novantox 8PFDA and Irganox 1520L are shown to be the most effective AOs. Optimum C values have been determined to stabilize SKDI-24. Mechanism of new AOs action is discussed.
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