Published 2020-10-20
- isoprene rubber,
- breaker rubber,
- molecular weight,
- Mooney viscosity,
- plasticity
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The influence of the temperature T and time t of plasticization of isoprene rubber (SKI-3) in a closed laboratory rubber mixer on the Mooney viscosity (ηм) of a rubber compound of the recipe of a truck tire breaker was studied. Empirical equations are obtained that allow calculating the ηм depending on the viscosity before plasticization (ηм0), the initial mass average molecular weight of the SKI-3 Mw0, T and t. The experimental and calculated data are shown to be in good agreement. The ηм changes most effectively at low t. The change in the nature of the influence of T on the ηм is shown to depend on the value of T. Changes in the ratio of oxidative and mechanical degradation processes, as well as recombination, depending on the value of T are discussed. Linear equations connecting the values of ηм and plasticity (P) of rubber mixtures are proposed. This allows calculating the P of breaker rubber compounds based on data on plasticization of SKI-3.
- ТУ 2294-141-05766801-2007. Каучук СКИ-3.
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