Vol. 79 No. 6 (2020)


A. Manylova
Center for Corporate Communications of the Center for Business Support of PJSC TATNEFT named after V.D. Shashina

Published 2020-12-20


  • history,
  • industry,
  • synthetic rubber,
  • modernization

How to Cite

Manylova А. and Kryuchkova Н. 2020. 60 YEARS IN THE SERVICE OF DOMESTIC INDUSTRY. Kauchuk i Rezina. 79, 6 (Dec. 2020), 318–325. DOI:https://doi.org/10.47664/0022-9466-2020-79-6-318-325.


The main milestones related to the construction, formation and development of LLC «Tolyattikauchuk» in the period from 1949 to 2020 are described. At the Tolyatti production site, which has become a place of innovative solutions, for the first time on an industrial scale, such synthetic rubbers as emulsion copolymer butadiene-alpha-methylstyrene rubber and isoprene rubber were produced. Unique solution technology for the production of butyl rubber was developed, and experiments are still underway to create secret compositions of new improved rubbers. It is shown how the history of the country's largest plant for the production of synthetic rubbers is inextricably linked with the events that took place in the country and in the world, also modern trends are reflected. Special emphasis is placed on the role of people who had been made decisions, put forward innovative proposals, developed unique formulas and so determined the further development of the plant by their actions.


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