Vol. 80 No. 6 (2021)

Duality of the Net Structure of Crosslinked Polyethylene. Shershnev Coefficient.

V.V. Kovriga
LLC «Polymerteplo grupp»
T.F. Oreshenkova
LLC «Polymerteplo grupp»

Published 2022-03-15


  • crosslinked polyethylene,
  • equilibrium modulus,
  • swelling,
  • net structure,
  • Shershnev coefficient

How to Cite

Kovriga В. and Oreshenkova Т. 2022. Duality of the Net Structure of Crosslinked Polyethylene. Shershnev Coefficient. Kauchuk i Rezina. 80, 6 (Mar. 2022), 310–313. DOI:https://doi.org/10.47664/0022-9466-2021-80-6-310-313.


The value of the average molecular weight of the segments of polymer chains between the nodes network (Mc) of the crosslinked polyethylene, as earlier, has been studied at various temperatures. The results of determining Mc, estimated from the value of the equilibrium modulus when tested by vulcameter and a rotary viscometer (Mcm), are presented, as well as the values of Mc, calculated from the swelling data (Mcn). The Shershnev coefficient S = Мсm / Мсn characterizing the duality of the cross-linked polyethylene net structures is proposed.


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