Vol. 80 No. 6 (2021)

Effect of Alkyl Lithium Structure on the Properties of Styrene-Butadiene Thermoplastic Elastomers

A.V. Firsova
Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies» (FSBEI HE «VSUET»)
O.V. Karmanova
Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies» (FSBEI HE «VSUET»)
V.S. Glukhovskoi
Federal State Unitary Enterprise Scientific Research Institute of Synthetic Rubber named academician S.V. Lebedev
V.V. Berdnikov
Federal State Unitary Enterprise Scientific Research Institute of Synthetic Rubber named academician S.V. Lebedev
E.V. Komarov
Federal State Unitary Enterprise Scientific Research Institute of Synthetic Rubber named academician S.V. Lebedev

Published 2022-03-15


  • n-butyllithium,
  • ethyllithium,
  • butetillity,
  • modifier,
  • styrene-butadiene thermoplastic elastomer

How to Cite

Firsova А. , Karmanova О. , Glukhovskoi В. , Berdnikov В. and Komarov Е. 2022. Effect of Alkyl Lithium Structure on the Properties of Styrene-Butadiene Thermoplastic Elastomers . Kauchuk i Rezina. 80, 6 (Mar. 2022), 298–302. DOI:https://doi.org/10.47664/0022-9466-2021-80-6-298-302.


A method for producing new lithium-organic catalysts (LC): soluble ethyllithium (EL) and butyl-ethyllithium (BEL) is described. Their influence on the properties of styrene-butadiene thermoplastic elastomers (SBTPE) has been investigated in order to replace n-butyllithium (BL). It is shown that the initiating ability of EL and BEL is 1,5–1,7 times higher than that of BL, the molecular weight distribution of the SBTPE polystyrene block with new OCs is lower (within 1,13–1,17), and the physico-mechanical properties are higher (about 18,6–22,6 MPa). The effect of alcoholates of alkali and alkaline-earth metals, in particular sodium alcoholate as a modifier of BL, initiating the polymerization of SBTPE, has also been studied. It has been found that the introduction of even a small amount of a modifier significantly accelerates the polymerization of monomers, and also reduces the consumption of BL per polymer. At the same time, the content of 1,2-links of the butadiene part of the SBTPE macromolecule increases from 8,5 to 16,2% (wt.) and the content of 1,4-trans-links in the polybutadiene part of the SBTPE macromolecule increases from 33,0 to 39,8% (wt.). The strength characteristics of SBTPE increase. The industrial production of SBTPE has been mastered in accordance with the current technical specifications.


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