Vol. 83 No. 1 (2024)

Influence of Shungite on Properties of Rubber Based on Chlorinated Polyethylene (CPE)

Published 2024-02-28

How to Cite

Dudnik С. , Potapov Е. , Zvezdenkov К. , Merkulova Т. and Alimpiev С. 2024. Influence of Shungite on Properties of Rubber Based on Chlorinated Polyethylene (CPE). Kauchuk i Rezina. 83, 1 (Feb. 2024), 48–53.


The influence of shungite (Sh) on thermal aging resistance and resistance to aggressive environmets of chlorinated polyethylene was investigated. It was shown that resistance to thermal aging increased with increasing concentration of Sh. The optimal dose of this filler was determinated to be 20–30 phr. Intoduction of Sh to CPE leads to considerable improvement of resistance towards diesel fuel  and industrial oils in terms of relative tensile strength (fp), elongation at break (εр) and swelling. What is more, above-mentioned effects are observed in a wide range of Sh concentrations (5–100 phr). The tensile strength of vulcanizates was observed to slightly change with increasing doses of Sh. Obtained experimental data are fully consistent with the modern understanding of structure and composition of Sh.